Papers | Conferences

Tidwell 2019. Institute for Social Anthropology, Austrian Academy of Sciences: The Forging of a New Sowa Rigpa Moral Economy: Lineage, Renaissance, and Industry of Tibetan Medicine in Eastern Tibet. Research forum, February 7, Vienna, Austria


Gerke & Van der Valk 2019. Ratimed ERC Guest Lecture, Institute for Social Anthropology, Austrian Academy of Sciences: “Potency-in-Becoming”: Artisanship among Amchi Practitioners Making Sowa Rigpa Medicines in Ladakh. Invited lecture, January 31, Vienna, Austria


Tidwell 2019. Institute for the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia, Austrian Academy of Sciences: The Role of Buddhist Epistemology and Logic (tshad ma) in Diagnostic Training for Tibetan Medical Education: First Explorations. Invited lecture, January 24, Vienna, Austria


Kloos 2018. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Anthropology and Ethnography: The Northern Branch of Sowa Rigpa: Tibetan/Mongolian Medicine in Mongolia, Inner Mongolia, and Siberia. Invited lecture, November 22, Moscow, Russia


Kloos 2018. BRICS International Medical Forum, “Traditional Medical Systems in the Healthcare of the BRICS Countries”: The Northern Branch of Sowa Rigpa: Tibetan/Mongolian Medicine in Mongolia, Inner Mongolia, and Siberia. Keynote speech, November 20-21, Moscow, Russia


Tidwell 2018. International Symposium for Contemplative Research. Associate conference organizer, November 8-11, Phoenix, USA


Tidwell 2018. 5th Annual Tibetan and Western Integrative Medicine Symposium: Constitutions, Metabolic Profiles, and the Microbiome: Comparative Methodologies on Tibetan Medical and Biomedical Diagnostic Types Clinical Perspectives, Pharmacological Approaches and Research Studies in Tibetan Medicine: Tensions in Tradition and Modernity. Invited papers, October 5&6, Stanford University, USA


Tidwell 2018. Emory University Symposium on Building Transdisciplinary Capacity for Tibetan Medical Research: A Retrospective on Clinical and Pharmacological Research in Tibetan Medicine up to the Present Ways of Knowing and Establishing Valid Criteria: Highlighting Key Issues in Clinical and Pharmacological Research in Tibetan Medicine. Symposium organizer & presenter, October 2, Atlanta, USA


Tidwell 2018. Mind & Life Institute, European Summer Research Institute: Transdisciplinary Research in Tibetan Medical Pharmacology Understanding Physiologies of Emotion in Tibetan Medical Research. Invited new investigator for symposium of informal presentations and mentorship with senior researchers. August 20-26, Chiemsee, Germany


Kloos 2018. Naran Center for Tibetan Medicine: Sowa Rigpa in Asia – A Quantitative Overview. Invited guest lecture, August 11, Moscow, Russia


Tidwell 2018. 1st Annual International Tibetan Medical Gastroenterology Association Conference, Qinghai Provincial Tibetan Medical Hospital Gastroenterology Department & Kangtsa County Tibetan Medical Hospital: Toward a Tibetan Medical Theory-based Approach to Pharmaceutical Research (Btso thal ‘dul rdul dang bod lugs sman mang sdeb sbyor dbye zhib thabs jus la dpyad pa las/ nub phyogs rdzas sbyor rig pa’i lkog gyur sngog ‘don thabs lam ngo sprod de/ bod lugs sman sbyor rig pa and mthun pa’i thabs lam gsar gtod la dpyad zhib). Invited paper in Tibetan language, August 16, Kangtsa, Qinghai Province, China


Tidwell 2018. Proceedings for the Tibetan Medical Gastrointestinal Association Annual Conference: Analysis of Tibetan medical gastrointestinal diseases related to Helicobacter pylori and the cultivation of a healthy microbiome from a Tibetan medical perspective (Bod lugs gso rig gi pho rgyu long nad go ba dang ‘brel ba Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) ‘bu phr de nad ‘bu srog ‘bu yin min skye khams khor yug cha snyoms gso skyong byed tshul la dpyad pa). Invited paper in Tibetan language, August 15-17, Kangtsa, Qinghai Province, China


Tidwell 2018. Proceedings for the Tibetan Medical Gastrointestinal Association Annual Conference: Disease Ecology, the Gut Microbiome and Gastrointestinal Conditions: Distinctions in the Biomedical Tibetan Medical ParadigmsInvited paper, August 15-17, Kangtsa, Qinghai Province, China


Tidwell 2018. Beijing International Conference on Tibetan Medicine & Fourth Annual Meeting of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (Specialty Committee of Tibetan Medicine): Tsotel Analytics, Tibetan Compounded Formulas & Related Methods (Btso thal ‘dul rdul dang bod lugs sman mang sdeb sbyor dbye zhib thabs jus la dpyad pa las/ nub phyogs rdzas sbyor rig pa’i lkog gyur sngog ‘don thabs lam ngo sprod de/ bod lugs sman sbyor rig pa and mthun pa’i thabs lam gsar gtod la dpyad zhib). Invited paper in Tibetan language, August 4, Beijing, China


Kloos 2018. Anthropological Atelier, Oriental Institute (Czech Academy of Sciences) & Institute for Social Anthropology (Austrian Academy of Sciences): From Tibetan to Mongolian Medicine. Contextualizing Historiography and the Emergence of a Pharmaceutical Industry. Invited paper, June 7, Prague, Czech Republic


Tidwell 2018. Emory University Symposium on Building Transdisciplinary Capacity for Tibetan Medical Research – Pharmacological Innovations from a Human Biological Lens: Assessing Tibetan Menjor and Innovative Requirements for New Pharmacological Methods. Symposium organizer & presenter, May 11, Atlanta, USA


Kloos 2018. Third International Conference on Tibetan Medicine: Sowa Rigpa in Asia – A Quantitative Overview. Invited paper, February 26, Sarnath, India


Madhavan 2018. Delhi University ICSSR seminar on “Knowledge, Development and Politics in Postcolonial India: Contestations in State, Market and Civil Society”: Revisiting the Postcolonial Development of the Indian Medicine Market. Invited lecture, February 5, New Delhi, India


Madhavan 2017. Kerala Forest Research Institute: Knowledge Documentation and Market in Indian Traditional Medicines: a comparison of Ayurveda, Tibetan medicine, and local health traditions. Invited paper, October 13, Trissur, India


Kloos 2017. Third Annual Conference of the WFCMS Specialty Committee of Tibetan Medicine, Harvard Medical School: From Local Health Tradition to Transnational Industry: The Alienation of Tibetan Medicine. Invited paper, October 7, Boston, USA


Kloos, Blaikie & Madhavan 2017. 9th International Congress on Traditional Asian Medicines: Asian Medical Industries: Contemporary Perspectives on Traditional Pharmaceuticals. Panel organizers and chairs, August 8, Kiel, Germany


Blaikie & Craig 2017: 9th International Congress on Traditional Asian Medicines: Tibetan Medicine Making in Nepal: A Yam Between Two Boulders? Conference paper, August 8, Kiel, Germany


Kloos & Madhavan 2017. 9th International Congress on Traditional Asian Medicines: Gauging the Transnational Sowa Rigpa Industry: Patterns, Dynamics, and Modes of Production. Conference paper, August 8, Kiel, Germany


Craig 2017. Ratimed ERC Guest Lecture, Institute for Social Anthropology, Austrian Academy of Sciences: Slow Medicine in Fast Times: Tibetan Medicine and “Alternative Humanitarianism” after Nepal’s 2015 earthquakes. Invited lecture, August 4, Vienna, Austria


Wujastyk, Kloos, Gerke & Sabernig 2017. International Conference, Department of South Asian, Tibetan & Buddhist Studies (University of Vienna) and Institute for Social Anthropology (Austrian Academy of Sciences): Medicine and Yoga in South and Inner Asia: Body Cultivation, Therapeutic Intervention and the Sowa Rigpa Industry. Conference organizers and chairs, August 1-3, Vienna, Austria


Kloos & Madhavan 2017. International Conference on Medicine and Yoga in South and Inner Asia, University of Vienna & Austrian Academy of Sciences: The Emergence of a Traditional Mongolian Medicine Industry. Conference paper, August 2, Vienna, Austria


Craig & Blaikie 2017. International Conference on Medicine and Yoga in South and Inner Asia, University of Vienna & Austrian Academy of Sciences: From Homemade to Readymade: Tibetan medicine production in Nepal. Conference paper, August 2, Vienna, Austria


Kloos 2017. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München: Traditionelle Mongolische Medizin: Kontinuität und Wandel in globalem Kontext. Invited guest lecture, June 26, Munich, Germany


Gaudillière 2017. Ratimed ERC Guest Lecture, Institute for Social Anthropology, Austrian Academy of Sciences: From Social Disease to Global Emergency: The Trajectory of Tuberculosis Control in India (1960-2010). Invited lecture, June 22, Vienna, Austria


Kloos 2017. Otoch Manramba Mongolian Medical University: Sowa Rigpa in Modern Asia: From traditional medicine to innovative industry. Invited guest lecture, March 16, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia


Kloos 2017. Transfigurationen. Conference of AG Medical Anthropology, Medical Anthropology Switzerland, Vienna Dialogues in Medical Anthropology, University of Basel: Von Medizinsystemen zu Medizinindustrien: Medizinanthropologische Transfigurationen traditioneller asiatischer Medizin. Conference paper, February 17, Basel, Switzerland


Gerke 2017. Ratimed ERC Guest Lecture, Institute for Social Anthropology, Austrian Academy of Sciences: Reformulations in Sowa Rigpa: Thinking about “classical formulas”, taking the example of Tibetan precious pills. Invited lecture, February 14, Vienna, Austria


Madhavan 2017. Cermes3, INSERM: ERC AdvGrant GlobHealth Workshop, Property rights and Pharmaceutical Regulations in a Pluralistic State: A Global Public Good (GPG) Perspective on Sowa-Rigpa in India. Invited paper, January 31, Paris, France


Madhavan 2016. Cermes3, INSERM: ERC AdvGrant GlobHealth Workshop, Commercialisation in Tibetan medicine – Innovations and Challenges. Invited paper, December 13, Paris, France


Kloos 2016. Oxford University ArgO-EMR Seminar: Botanical Ontologies in Asian Medicine, The Pharmaceutical Assemblage: Rethinking Sowa Rigpa and the herbal pharmaceutical industry in Asia. Invited lecture, November 9, Oxford, UK


Kloos 2016. British Academy & Royal Anthropological Institute: Anthropology in Austria Day, From Buddhist Deities to the Spirit of Capitalism: Tibetan Medicine and the Remaking of Inner Asia. Invited paper, November 8, London, UK


Blaikie 2016. Oxford University ArgO-EMR Seminar: Botanical Ontologies in Asian Medicine, Re-routing Rhizomes: Himalayan plants and properties in transit. Invited lecture, October 26, Oxford, UK


Kloos 2016. 100 Year Founding Anniversary of Men-Tsee-Khang, Tibetan Medical Education Outside China. Keynote speech, September 13, Lhasa, China


Cuomu 2016. Fifth International Conference on the Comparison of Traditional and Modern Medicine, The Globalization of Asian Medicine. Invited paper, August 27, Guizhou, China


Cuomu 2016. 100th Anniversary Celebration Conference of Men-Tsee-Khang & 2nd Annual Conference of Tibetan Medicine Committee of WFCMS, Tibetan Medical Research in Modern Times. Panel chair & invited paper, August 20, Lhasa, China


Cuomu 2016. International Association for Tibetan Studies (IATS) Conference, Sowa Rigpa (Tibetan Medicine): contemporary and anthropological studies. Panel co-convenor, June 22, Bergen


Cuomu 2016. International Association for Tibetan Studies (IATS) Conference, Deconstructing and Reconstructing Tradition: Good manufacturing practices and the Tibetan medicine industry in China, 2001-2014. Conference paper, June 22, Bergen


Kloos 2016. International Association for Tibetan Studies (IATS) Conference, Humanitarianism from Below: Tibetan medicine and nationalism in global context. Conference paper, June 22, Bergen


Blaikie 2016. International Association for Tibetan Studies (IATS) Conference, Social, Economic and Pharmaceutical Dimensions of Sowa Rigpa ‘Mainstreaming’ in Ladakh. Conference paper, June 22, Bergen


Madhavan 2016. International Association for Tibetan Studies (IATS) Conference, Property Rights of Multi-Cultural Heritages: Emergent forms of commercialization and property right issues in Tibetan medicine. Conference paper, June 22, Bergen


Cuomu 2016. Wolfson College, Oxford University: The Interplay between the Spoken and Written Word in Tibetan Literature, Illustration as a Method to Convey Meaning in Tibetan Medicine. Invited paper, May 13, Oxford 


Cuomu 2016. Tibetan Medical College, Secret Transmission in Tibetan Medicine. Invited university lecture, April 15, Lhasa


Cuomu 2016. National Institute of Ethnicity Medicines & Tibetan Medical Department, University of Chinese Medicine, Globalization of Asian Medicines. Invited paper, January 9, Chengdu


Kloos 2016. IASTAM-India, First International Conference on Advances in Asian Medicine (ICAAM), Special RATIMED Symposium on Tibetan Medicine: “The Emerging Sowa Rigpa Industry in Asia.” Organizer, January 5, Pune


Kloos 2016. IASTAM-India, First International Conference on Advances in Asian Medicine (ICAAM), The Transnational Sowa Rigpa Industry in Asia. Invited paper and opening address, January 5, Pune


Blaikie & Madhavan 2016. IASTAM-India, First International Conference on Advances in Asian Medicine (ICAAM), Making Sowa Rigpa Medicines in Ladakh: Emerging Issues and Dynamics. Invited paper, January 5, Pune


Cuomu 2015. Tibetan Medical Department, University of Chinese Medicine, Public Health in Tibetan Medicine. Invited university lecture, November 30, Chengdu


Cuomu 2015. World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, Fudan University, Association for Respiratory Diseases: 1st International Conference on The Comparison of Traditional Medicine and Modern Medicine, Deconstructing and Reconstructing Tradition: Good Manufacturing Practices and the Tibetan Medicine Industry in China, 2001-2014. And, The Relationship between Altitude and the Prevalence of Hypertension in Tibet. Invited papers, November 28 & 29, Xishuang Banna, China 


Cuomu 2015. TAR Health Bureau: The Region’s Public Health Services Training, Training for directors and operators of county level Health Bureau. Invited training session, November 17, Lhasa


Madhavan 2015. Jawaharlal Nehru University/ Public Health Foundation of India/ Third World Network/ Health Economics Association of India: National Conference on “The Evolving Regime in Intellectual Property Protection”, Emerging Commercialisation and Intellectual Property Rights in Tibetan Medicine. Conference paper, November 2-4, New Delhi


Blaikie 2015. International Conference “Anthropology and Global Health: Interrogating Theory, Policy and Practice”, University of Sussex, Mainstreaming Tibetan Medicine in Himalayan India: High Expectations and Unforeseen Effects. Conference paper, September 10, Sussex, UK


Kloos 2015. World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, Tibetan Medicine Committee Inaugural Conference, Pharmaceutical Assemblages: Assessing the Transnational Sowa Rigpa Industry in Asia. Invited paper, August 9, Xining, China


Cuomu 2015. World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, Tibetan Medicine Committee Inaugural Conference, The Relationship between Altitude and the Prevalence of Hypertension in Tibet: a systematic review. Invited paper, August 9, Xining, China


Cuomu 2015. International Workshop on Developing a Digital Knowledge Base on Tibetan Medical Formulas, University of Westminster & Wellcome Trust, The Concept, Classification, and Treatment Strategies for Healing rLung Disorders from a Tibetan Medical Perspective. Conference paper, May 9, London, UK


Blaikie 2015. Azim Premji University, The Tibetan medicine industry in India: Emergence, pathways and obstacles. Invited lecture, April 23, Bengaluru, India


Madhavan 2015. REDESIST/WHO International Seminar on “Innovation Systems: Health and Sustainability”, Local Production, Intellectual Property Rights, Innovations in Health: An international Perspective, Invited paper, March 24, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Pordié 2015. Ratimed ERC Guest Lecture, Institute for Social Anthropology, Austrian Academy of Sciences: New Ayurvedic Pharmaceuticals, Hangovers and Society. Invited lecture, March 6, Vienna, Austria


Kloos 2015. Globhealth ERC Conference “From International to Global: Knowledge, Diseases and the Postwar Government of Health”, CNRS/ INSERM/ CERMES3: From Scarcity to Profit: Traditional Medicine and Global Health. Invited paper, February 12-14, Paris, France


Saxer 2015. Ratimed ERC Guest Lecture, Institute for Social Anthropology, Austrian Academy of Sciences: Remoteness and Connectivity in the Himalayas. Invited lecture, January 29, Vienna, Austria


Madhavan 2015. National Seminar on “Inclusiveness and Sustainability”, Health Institutions, Sustainability and Inclusive Growth,  Invited paper, January 20, Thiruvananthapuram, India


Kloos 2014. National Rehabilitation and Early Detection Center: From Traditional Medicine to Pharmaceutical Industry: The development of Sowa Rigpa in Mongolia, India, China and Bhutan. Invited lecture, December 3, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia


Kloos 2014. International Symposium, Institute for Social Anthropology & Department for South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies: Transforming Tibetan Anatomy. Panel chair & welcome speech, June 12-13, Vienna, Austria


Cuomu 2014. Argo-EMR Workshop on The Transmission of Tibetan Medicine, University of Oxford. Convenor, May 22-23, Oxford, UK


Cuomu 2014. Argo-EMR Workshop on The Transmission of Tibetan Medicine, University of Oxford: Sacred Transmissions: The Concept and Its Significance, Keynote presentation, May 22, Oxford, UK


Kloos 2014. Argo-EMR Workshop on The Transmission of Tibetan Medicine, University of Oxford: Tibetan Medical Education in Exile. Invited paper, May 23, Oxford, UK


Kloos 2014. National Conference on Medicinal Plants, Government of India (Council for Development of Rural Areas, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, Dept. of AYUSH, Dept. of Biotechnology): Assessing the Role of Materia Medica in Traditional Pharmaceutical Industries: The Case of Sowa Rigpa. Invited paper, February 21-22, Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi, India


Kloos 2014. Azim Premji University & St. John’s Research Institute: The Development and Preservation of Tibetan Medicine in India & Re-assembling Tibetan Medicine. Invited lectures, February 10-11, Bengaluru, India

