Harilal Madhavan is an assistant professor at Azim Premji University in Bangalore, and holds a PhD in economics from the Centre for Development Studies Thiruvananthapuram and JNU New Delhi, India (2012). His work specializes on the traditional pharmaceutical industry, intellectual property rights, natural resource economics, global public health, and the commercialization of traditional knowledge in South Asia. He has participated as a researcher in several national and international projects, including a large CNRS study based at EHESS in Paris and a Cluster of Excellence initiative at Heidelberg University. His award-winning work has been published as a monograph, several articles and book chapters, and presented at conferences around the world. Besides his position at Azim Premji University, Harilal is also employed as a researcher at the Austrian Academy of Sciences’ Institute for Social Anthropology.
CV: Harilal Madhavan
Contact: harilalms@gmail.com